* Members please sign in to your membership account to register for an event, add an event and check your event registrations. *
## All participants (members & guests) must register to comply with the requirements of the Motorsport Australia Event Permit and the Club Insurance Policy ##
^^ We highly recommend that all participants have either an in car or hand held 80 channel UHF radio when attending runs. The Club heavily subsidises the purchase of radio for Club members. Click here to purchase a radio. ^^
Guests are welcome to attend up to three (3) events before joining the Club either as a Full or Family member (as applicable) or as an Associate member if only attending an occasional event with a member.
Photos: If you have photos of a Club event that you would like added to our SmugMug gallery, please send an email to Bob De Bont who can upload them for you.
Email: smugmug@mx5vic.org.au

Club Captain
email: clubcaptain@mx5vic.org.au
Chapter Legend
Eastern Victoria
North-Eastern Victoria
Western Victoria
Northern Tasmania
Southern Tasmania