In accordance with the Club SPR there is a maximum of twelve (12) elected committee members allowed however the Committee may engage non-Committee members on an ad hoc basis to assist it in the management of the Club.

Our volunteer Club Officials consist of:


  • The Governance Committee of five (5) Office Bearers and three (3) Ordinary Committee members
  • Ordinary Committee members of four (4), or more provided that the maximum number of all Committee members is twelve (12)


  • These members hold positions such as Membership, Merchandise, Website, Communications, Social Media, etc.
    Generally filled by Ordinary Committee members but can also be held by ad hoc members appointed by the Committee

Chapter Captains

  • Seven (7) Chapter Captains lead each of our Regional and Motorsport activities

Governance Committee

Consists of five (5) Office Bearers and three (3) Committee Members
A member may hold up to a maximum of two (2) Office Bearer roles at any one time.

Office Bearers

Life Member
1990 Classic Red NA

There’s never a dull moment
when you are member of such
an active Club and that’s just
the way I like it.

When you open the driver’s
door, you know you are going to
experience that awesome feeling
of “OMG … I love this car”.

For me, that feeling never gets
old. Owning a Classic NA, I
always think to myself when I’m
strapping in the seatbelt, “Look
after her, she’s becoming an old
cat” … but that feeling soon fades
once she warms up, as we all know the joy of an open road with twists and turns.

I look forward to continuing to be
an active Committee member as
Club President as we continue to
make great MX-5 experiences with like-minded people, for both the present and the future.

Club Legend, Foundation Member,
Life Member, Past President
2019 30th Anniversary ND 2.0L GT

I’m a Foundation member of
the Club, having joined in 1990.

This is the second year of (I
think) my fourth stint on the
Committee … I keep trying to
leave but can’t stay away!

Before this, I’d served 26 or 27
years on the Committee, including
six terms as President and 12 as
Vice President, plus previous
stints (way back) as Secretary,
Social Captain, Membership
Officer and Treasurer. I was
awarded Life Membership in 1997,
and inducted into the Hall of
Fame and elevated to Club Legend in 2021. I was Club Champion in 1994 and 2010 and have received the Jinba Ittai award three times.

I am currently in my third MX-5
spanning 33 years. Prior to that I
owned a 1990 NA (15 years) and a
2004 NB SE (17 years).

In addition to continuing my
roles in Membership and editing/
production of the Club’s monthly
magazine, mxtra (which I have
been managing for longer than I
can remember!), this year I have
relieved Bruce of the Secretary

My wife Alyssa, who designed
the mxtra layout, is also a Life
Member of the Club.

We have loved our 33 years in the
Club, making great friends and
travelling all over Victoria and
Tasmania through Club events, as
well as attending six NatMeets in
four states since the inaugural one
in Adelaide in 1994.

Foundation Member
1990 Classic Red NA /
2016 Soul Red 1.5L ND

MX-5s have been part of my life
for more than 30 years.

I have served as Treasurer
for 2021-23 and this is my
second time on the MX-5 Club
Committee, having served in the
1990s as well as editing the mxtra
for two years at that time.

I am happy to give back to the
MX-5 Club by serving on your
Committee for the joy we have
had from our cars.

The NA we acquired in August
1989 has travelled 223,000km
and still gives our family great joy.

It has been part of our life with
many driving holidays extending
from Cairns in Queensland to
Exmouth in Western Australia
and numerous shorter holidays
and MX-5 Club events in between.

My wife successfully went for her
licence in the NA and our two
children learned to drive in it …
and still sneak it out for a drive
when the urge for a fun drive
inspires them.

In 2016 we purchased an MX-5 ND with a few more creature comforts and power of a modern engine than the NA.

I trust you derive as much pleasure from driving the magnificent MX-5 as well as belonging to our great Club and developing friendships which from my experience endure
over many years.

Life Member
2013 Stormy Blue NC3

My wife Jenny and I have been
Club members since 2008
and I have been a member of
the Committee since 2013,
Secretary from 2016 to 2023
and looking after the website
since 2019.

This year I have handed over
the secretarial role to Murray Finlay but continue with the Vice
President & Website/IT roles.

I look forward to supporting
Murray in the transition and
hopefully one, or two, of our new
committee members will support
me in my VP & Website roles with
a view to taking these on in the
next 12 months.

We hope to see more members on the numerous events planned for the coming year and it would be great to have more members step up and organise at least one event each year.

It’s all about the car … and the

2007 Galaxy Grey NC1 PRHT

Since buying our NC three and a half years ago now, and joining
the Club the following month,
I was keen to get involved more,
and am glad I did so.

It has been an interesting journey,
and great to be able to give back
to a club we have gotten so much

I’m looking forward to my
expanded role as the Club
Captain, without the need to keep
revising what we can or can’t do
on runs depending on the COVID
situation of the day.

It is also good to see we have a full Committee this year.

Governance Committee Members

2005 Velocity Red NB8C NBSE /
2000 Green NB8B

I have been a Club member for 18 years and had some great times and met some equally great
people along the way.

While my interests are primarily with motorsport, I do have photographic proof that I have also appeared on the occasional social run.

Apart from the recent re-organisation whereby
motorsport became a Club Chapter (and I am also the Motorsport Chapter Captain), motorsport has always been a significant part of the Club’s activities and has contributed at all levels of the Club.

Hence, it is important that motorsport is represented at Committee level and I am more than happy to take my turn and do my bit.

Currently I own two MX-5s: my track day NB8B plus a well-maintained NB SE – a model that I consider one of the pinnacles of the MX-5 history.

Life Member
2001 Supreme Blue NB8B

This is my first time on the Committee after joining the Club about 15 years ago and founding
the Western Victoria Chapter.

Noellene and I have had an enjoyable and very satisfying time organising and participating in runs in that time, while also meeting and enjoying the
company of many new and existing members.

Now in our second stint as Chapter Captains, we have joined the Committee as another way to be involved and hopefully give something back to the Club that has given us so much enjoyment.

I have now been in the MX-5 Club for 15 years with my husband John.

We have had our 2001 Supreme Blue NB series 2 MX-5 for 16 years, which was one of the best
purchases we have ever made.

Growing up in a family of car nuts and with a father and brother both mechanics, I was doomed to be a car buff.

I am also the proud owner of “Max”, my 1971 Mini K which took me 30 years to replace after John sold my 1963 model.

I really love being a member of the MX5 club and have enjoyed the many social get together occasions we have participated in over the years.

I was John’s helper when we first got the Western Victoria Chapter together and, since 2002, we have
been joint Chapter Captains.

We really appreciate the work that goes into making a club like this work so well, so we have now put our hands up to help out on the Committee any way we can and also represent the Regional part of the Club.

Here’s to many more enjoyable years ahead having fun in our MX-5 with the many wonderful friends we have made over the years.

Other Club Officials

Chapter Captains

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