Club Legends

In 2020, the Club’s Committee introduced a new level of recognition – the Mazda MX-5 Club of Victoria & Tasmania Club Legend, the highest recognition attainable in the Club.

The recognition stands above Hall of Fame membership and recognises individuals who have made an Extraordinary Contribution to the Club.

Induction as a Club Legend is only conferred on a Club member in extraordinary circumstances, at the absolute discretion of the Committee, and in a ratio of one Club Legend inductee for every three Hall of Fame members.

A nominee must:

  • have completed a minimum period of 20 years of membership
  • display a general attitude and overall demeanour that reflects a dedication to the values of the Club as expressed in the Club’s Statement of Purposes and Rules
  • have demonstrated an Extraordinary Contribution to the Club for a period in excess of 15 years
  • already be an inductee to the Club Hall of Fame

The first of these awards was presented on 13 March 2021:

Murray Finlay
Club member since August 1990 (Foundation member)
Club Committee 1991-1995, 1996-2000, 2001-2016, 2018-2021
Honorary Life Member 1997
Club President 2006-2012 (longest-serving)
Club Vice President 1997-2001, 2002-2006, 2012-2016 (12 years)
Club Secretary 1991-1995, 2005-2006
1993: Secretary of the first meeting of Presidents of all Mazda-affiliated MX-5 Clubs at Boomerang Ranch, Daylesford (sponsored by Mazda), at which the concept of NatMeet was born
Attended the inaugural NatMeet in 1994 (SA), as well as 2000 (Vic), 2004 (NSW), 2008 (Vic), 2010 (SA) and 2016 (Tas)
NatMeet 2000 and 2008 organising Committees; also assisted with 2010 SA and 2016 Vic/Tas NatMeets
Club Champion 1993 and 2010
Outstanding Achievement / Jinba Ittai Award: 2006, 2014 and 2020
1991-1995: editor/producer of Club magazine, “MX-5 Action”
1994-1995: worked with four other members from the two Victorian clubs to orchestrate the clubs’ 1995 merger
“mxtra” editing and production: 1995-late 1990s, early-2000s and 2006-present
Led development of all three versions of the Club website – 1999, 2003-2004 and 2017
2007-2011: Led the establishment of the Club Chapters
2008: Introduced first system for online payments and membership database
2009: Introduced “years of membership” recognitions, including badges
2010: Edited, designed and produced the Club’s “20 Roads for 20 Years” book
2010: Awarded CAMS Service Award in recognition of 20 years’ service to the Mazda MX-5 Club and as a professional supplier to CAMS
2010: Co-authored the Club Code of Conduct
2010: Introduced SmugMug as the Club’s online photo gallery
2011: Introduced the Club welcome pack for new members
2012: Established regular meetings of all Club Presidents (initial Chair, then Secretary 2012-2017 and 2018-2021)
2013: Introduced Mailchimp for Club email communications
2019: Co-developed foundation structure and processes for Club’s new “recognition” awards, including badge and certificate design

Will Campbell
Club member since June 1998
Club Committee 1998-2022 (longest-consecutive member)
Honorary Life Member 2003
Hall of Fame Member 2020
Jinba Ittai Award 1998-1999
Club President 2001-2004
Membership Officer 2000-2001, 2004-2022 (18 consecutive years)
Points Officer 2018-2019
Club Champion 2005-2006
Club Teams Champion (with wife, Coral) 2000-2001, 2005-2006 and 2009-2010
Attended 10 NatMeets 1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2016 and 2018), and contributed as part of the organising committee for the 2000 and 2008 Victorian NatMeets held in Ballarat and Beechworth respectively
As Membership Officer, Will was instrumental in
• integrating new computer systems to streamline the membership and renewal process
• implementing the new plastic membership card system
• the development and adoption to a new rolling year for membership

  • Honorary Life Members