Become a Run Leader (it’s easier than you think!)


Many weekends of the year, you’ll see a colourful convoy of MX-5s out taking advantage of some of the many great roads Victoria and Tasmania have to offer.

Each month’s runs and other activities are detailed in our events calendar.

However, sometimes you might like to do one of the runs yourself … you might have missed an event, or you might have enjoyed it so much that you just have to go out and do it again!

We have a selection of popular Club runs which you can download and print out.

Please note that, over time, road conditions and access change, so what’s set out in these previous run notes — while accurate for the day of the original run — may no longer be 100% correct!

Maybe you have a favourite road, cafe or somewhere else that you think other members would like?

We are always looking for members to conduct an event and bring new ideas to other members.

Run Notes from Previous Club Drives

You are welcome to view past run notes by clicking on any of the links in the slide show images.

Please remember that, while these notes were correct at the time of the original run, road conditions are likely to have changed in the meantime. Please follow the notes with care.

    • convoy-GOR-2
      Central South West

    If you’re planning a run for the entire Club or just for yourself, don’t re-invent the wheel, check out Rob Spargo’s helpful hints on planning a Club run.

    Many chapters now do not have Run Notes and rely on members following Convoy Rules (i.e. marking corners where safe to do so) or conduct Waypoint runs. Which ever you may choose you still need to know the route being taken and do pre-run checks to ensure, as far as possible, that there are no surprise roadworks.

    * This Excel file is a basic template only – add or delete columns to suit your needs. If you add new rows, the formula for the “next direction” distance (column D) can be copied into the cells below by holding the mouse on the cross in the right-hand lower corner of the cell and dragging down to the cell below it.

    Submitting run notes from previous events

    To contribute a set of run notes from a run that you’ve organised, click here to send them to our website administrator. We prefer to receive them in Word format, so that layout can be standardised. We’ll then convert them to PDF for the site.